Í tilefni af afmæli og dánarafmæli tónlistargoðasagnarinnar DAVID BOWIE mun Bíó Paradiís taka til sýninga heimildamyndina David Bowie is þar sem farið er yfir feril listamannsins þar sem m.a. verður farið yfir handskrifaða texta, upprunalega búninga, tísku, ljósmyndir, kvikmyndir, tónlistarmyndbönd, sviðshönnun, hljóðfæri David Bowie og listaverk sem prýða plötur og diska tónlistarmannsins.
Ýmsum góðum gestum bregður fyrir líkt og japanska fatahönnuðinum Kansai Yamamoto og Jarvis Cocker (Pulp) þar sem farið verður yfir feril Bowie.
Sýningarnar verða sem hér segir
Föstudagurinn 6. janúar 2017 kl 18:00
Laugardagurinn 7. janúar 2017 kl 20:00
Sunnudagurinn 8. janúar 2017 (afmælisdagur Bowie) kl 20:00
Mánudagurinn 9. janúar 2017 kl 18:00
Þriðjudagurinn 10. janúar 2017 (Eins árs dánarafmæli Bowie) kl 20:00
Athugið að árskort og klippikort Bíó Paradísar gilda ekki á þessa sýningu
Described by The Times as stylish & outrageousand The Guardian as a triumph, the David Bowie is exhibition was the fastest selling in the Victoria & Albert Museum’s history, featuring a remarkable collection of handwritten lyrics, original costumes, fashion, photography, film, music videos, set designs, Bowie’s own instruments and album artwork from the David Bowie Archive.
First released in 2013, this film takes the audience on a fascinating journey through the exhibition with special guests including legendary Japanese fashion designer Kansai Yamamoto, Pulp front-man Jarvis Cocker, and other collaborators, to explore the stories behind some of the key objects that document Bowie’s artistic career. The exhibitioncurators, Victoria Broackes and Geoffrey Marsh, provide expert insight into the most memorable music videos and original costumes, as well as more personal items such as never-before-seen handwritten lyrics, album cover artwork, set designs and diary entries, which reveal the creativity and evolution of Bowie’s ideas.
Screening dates:
Friday January 6th 2017 at 18:00
Saturday January 7th 2017 at 20:00
Sunday January 8th 2017 (his actual birthday) at 20:00
Monday January 9th 2017 at 18:00
Tuesday January 10th (One year anniversary of his passing) at 20:00