Minningar sækja á aðalpersónuna myndarinnar Garry, þar sem hann snýr til baka á æskustöðvarnar. Þar líður honum sérkennilega en þegar hann spákonan Nina verður á vegi hans er ótal spurningum ósvarað. Mun hún geta frelsað hann frá fortíðinni eða mun Garry uppgvöta frelsið?
Myndin er sýnd á Rússneskum Kvikmyndadögum í Bíó Paradís, frítt inn og allir velkomnir.
Childhood memories play on the mind of the central character, Garry. Many years on, he returns to his native town. Everything feels alien and strange. Our hero comes back to recover his memories, the good ones and the bad ones, the pleasant ones and the painful ones. Will the old fortune-teller Nina, a well-known dream gatherer in the city, be able to set an already grownup man free of the chains of the past which had become unbearable by that time? Or will our hero, Garry alleviate her life by discovering his freedom?
The film is screened on the fourth edition of Russian Film Days in Bíó Paradís, free entrance and everyone is welcome.