The Deep Blue Sea – National Theatre Live


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Leikhús/Theatre
  • Leikstjóri: Carrie Cracknell
  • Ár: 2016
  • Lengd: Tvær og hálf klukkustund. (150 mín með 20 mín hléi inniföldu).
  • Land: Bretland
  • Frumsýnd: 15. Október 2016
  • Aðalhlutverk: Helen McCrory, Tom Burke, Peter Sullivan

Helen McCrory leikur aðalhlutverkið í meistaraverki Terence Rattigan, þar sem hún fæst við tilþrifamikið og kröftugt drama.

Við erum stödd í íbúð í Ladbroke Grove í Vestur-London 1952. Nágrannar Hester Collyer finna hana eftir misheppnaða sjálfsvígstilraun. Ýmislegt kemur upp á yfirborðið í kjölfarið, framhjáhald hennar við fyrrum RAF flugmann og sundrung hjónabands hennar við háttsettann dómara. Verkið er portrett af þrá, einmannaleika og bældri ástríðu á eftirstríðsárunum.

Verkið hefur hlotið ótvírætt lof og góða dóma.


Laugardagurinn 15. október kl 20:00

Sunnudagurinn 16. október kl 20:00

Athugið að árskort og klippikort Bíó Paradísar gilda ekki á þessa sýningu


Helen McCrory (Medea and The Last of the Haussmans at the National Theatre, Penny Dreadful, Peaky Blinders) returns to the National Theatre in Terence Rattigan’s devastating masterpiece, playing one of the greatest female roles in contemporary drama. Tom Burke (War and Peace, The Musketeers) also features in Carrie Cracknell’s critically acclaimed new production.

A flat in Ladbroke Grove, West London. 1952. When Hester Collyer is found by her neighbours in the aftermath of a failed suicide attempt, the story of her tempestuous affair with a former RAF pilot and the breakdown of her marriage to a High Court judge begins to emerge.

With it comes a portrait of need, loneliness and long-repressed passion. Behind the fragile veneer of post-war civility burns a brutal sense of loss and longing.


Saturday October 15th at 20:00 

Sunday October 16th at 20:00 

‘Stunning. Exquisitely played. Beautifully judged.’
Time Out

‘This production is a stand-out. Helen McCrory is fantastic. Carrie Cracknell directs with total assurance.’
The Times

‘Intoxicating. Splendid new production. Helen McCrory is wonderful’
Daily Telegraph

‘Tom Burke is excellent.’
Daily Telegraph

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