Svartir Sunnudagar: Don´t Look Now


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Drama, Hryllingur/Horror, Thriller
  • Leikstjóri: Nicolas Roeg
  • Ár: 1973
  • Lengd: 110 mín
  • Land: Bretland, Ítalía
  • Frumsýnd: 10. Apríl 2016
  • Tungumál: Enska og ítalska með enskum texta
  • Aðalhlutverk: Julie Christie, Donald Sutherland, Hilary Mason

Svartir Sunnudagar kynna: Lokasýningu vetrarins, Don´t Look Now.

Myndinni er leikstýrt af Nicolas Roeg. Um er að ræða hörkuþriller með Julie Christie og Donald Sutherland í aðalhlutverkum en þau leika hjón sem ferðast til Feneyja, en þau eru í sárum eftir sviplegt dauðsfall dóttur sinnar. Myndin er sýnd Sunnudaginn 10. apríl kl 20:00.

Plakatasýning þessa vetrar mun verða haldin laugardaginn 16. apríl kl 17:00.


Julie Christie and Donald Sutherland star as a married couple who travel to Venice following the recent accidental death of their daughter, after the husband accepts a commission to restore a church. They encounter two sisters, one of whom claims to be clairvoyant and informs them that their daughter is trying to contact them and warn them of danger. The husband at first dismisses their claims, but starts to experience mysterious sightings himself.

While Don’t Look Now observes many conventions of the thriller genre, its primary focus is on the psychology of grief, and the effect the death of a child can have on a relationship. Its emotionally convincing depiction of grief is often singled out as a trait not usually present in films featuring supernatural plot elements. As well as the unusual handling of its subject matter, Don’t Look Now is renowned for its innovative editing style, and its use of recurring motifs and themes.

The film will close this season of Black Sundays, but the poster exhibition will be held Saturday April 16th at 17:00.



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