Let's Get Lost

Verið velkomin í Paradís að sjá þessa fallegu mynd um ævi Chet Baker, trompetleikara og söngvara af guðs náð.

Heimildarmynd um Chet Baker sem vefur saman myndefni frá yngri árum tónlistarmannsins, viðtölum við fjölskyldu Baker og vini, ásamt efni sem kvikmyndatökumenn ná af Chet undir lok ævi hans. Hér er erfið ævi listamanns sýnd af nærgætni og blíðu.

Óli Kondrup Tríó bjóða upp á tónleika eftir sýninguna í anddyri Paradísar þar sem leikin verða lög sem Chet söng og spilaði. Týnumst saman í Paradís!



We welcome you to Paradise for this beautiful screening on the life of the great Chet Baker.

Documentary on the life of jazz trumpeter and drug addict Chet Baker. Fascinating series of interviews with friends, family, associates and lovers, interspersed with film from Baker's earlier life and some modern-day performances.

Óli Kondrup Tríó invite to a concert after the film in the foyer where the program will revolve around the songs that Chet sang and played. Let's get lost in Paradise!

Entertainment Weekly gave the film an 'A−' rating and said that Weber 'created just about the only documentary that works like a novel, inviting you to read between the lines of Baker's personality until you touch the secret sadness at the heart of his beauty'.

Terrence Rafferty, in his review for The New York Times, wrote,

'The enduring fascination of Let's Get Lost, the reason it remains powerful even now, when every value it represents is gone, is that it's among the few movies that deal with the mysterious, complicated emotional transactions involved in the creation of pop culture — and with the ambiguous process by which performers generate desire'.

Mynd þessi er ekki við hæfi yngri en 16 ára

  • Frumsýnd: 05. September 2023
  • Leikstjórn: Bruce Weber
  • Handrit:
  • Aðalhlutverk: Chet Baker, Carol Baker, Vera Baker, Paul Baker, Dean Baker, Missy Baker, Dick Bock
  • Lengd: 120 mín
  • Tungumál: Enska
  • Texti:
  • Tegund:Music, Documentary
  • Framleiðsluár: 1988
  • Upprunaland: Bandaríkin