Heimildamynd sem fjallar um samþykkt reglugerðar er nefnist General Data Prodection Regulation (eða reglugerð um verndun almennra upplýsinga).
Myndin er sýnd á Þýskum kvikmyndadögum sem haldnir eru í Bíó Paradís 10. – 19. febrúar 2017. Allar myndirnar eru á þýsku með enskum texta.
This documentary is almost as extraordinary an achievement as the passage of the General Data Protection Regulation: it makes data protection law and legislative compromise engrossing. Who knew that was even possible?
The film is screened on German Film Days, held February 10th – 19th – Bíó Paradís. All films are screened in German with English subtitles.