Á árinu 2026 er ný vél að nafni Augma framleidd til þess að keppa á móti NerveGear og eftirmanni hennar, Amusphere.
Æsispennandi og glæný japönsk teiknimynd þar sem vélar og forrit ráða ríkjum í framtíðarveruleika leikjaveraldar. Kvikmyndin verður sýnd aðeins einu sinni á Alþjóðlegri Barnakvikmyndahátíð í Reykjavík laugardaginn 1. apríl kl 18:00 í Bíó Paradís.
In 2026, a new machine called the Augma is developed to compete against the NerveGear and its successor, the Amusphere. A next-gen wearable device, the Augma doesn’t have a full-dive function like its predecessors. Instead, it uses Augmented Reality (AR) to get players into the game. It is safe, user-friendly and lets users play while they are conscious, making it an instant hit on the market. The most popular game on the system is “Ordinal Scale” (aka: OS), an ARMMORPG developed exclusively for the Augma. Asuna and the gang have already been playing OS for a while, and soon Kirito decides to join them. However, they’re about to find out that Ordinal Scale isn’t all fun and games.
The film is screened once during the festival on a special event screening April 1st at 18:00.