The Limehouse Golem


Engar sýningar

Mynd þessi er ekki við hæfi yngri en 16 ára

  • Tegund: Hryllingur/Horror, Spennutryllir
  • Leikstjóri: Juan Carlos Medina
  • Handritshöfundur: Jane Goldman
  • Ár: 2016
  • Lengd: 109 mín
  • Land: Bretland
  • Frumsýnd: 8. September 2017
  • Tungumál: Enska með íslenskum texta
  • Aðalhlutverk: Bill Nighy, Olivia Cooke, Adam Brown

Röð morða hefur sett samfélagið á annan endann, með þeim afleiðingum að fólk trúir ekki öðru en að goðsagnakennd skepna að nafni Golem beri ábyrgðina ….

Viktorísk morðráðgáta sem byggð er á The Limehouse Golem eftir Peter Ackroyd.

Frábær og spennandi kvikmynd sem þú vilt ekki missa af, sem hefur hlotið einróma lof gagnrýnenda.


A series of murders has shaken the community to the point where people believe that only a legendary creature from dark times – the mythical so-called Golem – must be responsible.

“Bill Nighy’s detective leads a fine cast in this deliciously atmospheric adaptation of Peter Ackroyd’s Victorian murder mystery” – The Guardian

“Every single inch of director Juan Carlos Medina’s adaptation of Peter Ackroyd’s novel The Limehouse Golem is delicious, if you like this sort of thing. By that I mean, if you like richly-detailed, kinky, elegant and Gothic period mysteries spiked with violence and laced with sexuality, all things the movie has in big, blood-dipped spades. It’s another venture into Victorian-era, Jack the Ripper-steeped costume slasher territory and my God is it a work of dark, quietly mind-bending pop-art.” –

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