11. Northern Wave kvikmyndahátíðin kemur til Reykjavíkur
Alþjóðlega kvikmyndahátíðin Northern Wave í samstarfi við Sendiráð Bandaríkjanna og Wift (Félag kvenna í kvikmyndum og sjónvarpi) á Íslandi, skipuleggur sérstaka hátíðarsýningu á heimildarmyndinni MANKILLER, í Bíó Paradís sunnudaginn 28. október klukkan 20.00 í sal 2.
MANKILLER er heimildarmynd í fullri lengd og fjallar um baráttu fyrsta Cherokee kvenhöfðingjans í Bandaríkjunum, Wilma Mankiller, fyrir auknum réttindum frumbyggja.
Framleiðandi myndarinnar og heiðursgestur Northern Wave, Gale Anne Hurd frá Valhalla Entertainment, verður viðstödd og svarar spurningum úr sal eftir myndina.
Þér er boðið FRÍTT á þessa sérstöku hátíðarsýningu á heimildarmyndinni MANKILLER, með því að skrá þig (og ef +1) í gegnum hlekkinn fyrir neðan:
Tryggðu þér sæti og skráðu þig hér á sýningu MANKILLER í Bíó Paradís.
Nánari upplýsingar má finna á: www.northernwavefestival.com
Northern Wave International Film Festival in collaboration with the Embassy of the U.S.A and Wift (Women in film and television) in Iceland, organizes a special screening of the documentary MANKILLER in Bíó Paradís Sunday October 28th at 20.00 PM in room 2.
MANKILLER is a feature documentary about Wilma Mankiller, the first woman Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation.
The screening will be followed by Q/A with the film’s producer and Northern Wave’s honorary guest, executive producer Gale Anne Hurd from Valhalla Entertainment.
Please join us for the exclusive FREE screening of the documentary MANKILLER, by registrering yourself (and if +1) through the link below:
Secure your seat at the MANKILLER screening at Bíó Paradís by signing up here.
For more information go to: www.northernwavefestival.com
This is the story of an American hero. One who stands tall amongst the likes of Robert Kennedy, Harriet Tubman and Martin Luther King, Jr. Someone who humbly defied the odds and overcame insurmountable obstacles to fight injustice and gave a voice to the voiceless. And yet few people know her name. This is the story of an American legend, Wilma Mankiller, who overcame rampant sexism and personal challenges to emerge as the Cherokee Nation’s first woman Principal Chief in 1985. MANKILLER examines the legacy of the formidable Wilma Mankiller and reunites the documentary team of Gale Anne Hurd and Valerie Red-Horse Mohl for their third and most powerful film.
Further info on: http://www.mankillerdoc.com/