Endurgerð hinnar þöglu A Story of Floating Weeds eftir sama höfund. Efniviður myndarinnar er farandleikhópur sem „flýtur“ gegnum sveitir Japans. Þegar leikhópurinn snýr aftur til afkekkts sjávarþorps eftir langa fjarveru stendur höfuð hópsins frammi fyrir valkvöl: að ganga við faðerni föngulegs ungs póstmanns – sem telur hann vera föðurbróður sinn – eða standa til hliðar á meðan ung leikkona dregur þorpsbúann á tálar.
Floating Weeds er þekkt fyrir sjónræna fegurð og blíða hjartagæsku. Ein af fáum myndum Ozu sem meistarinn gerði í lit.
Myndin verður sýnd á japönsku með enskum texta!
A remake of his silent A Story of Floating Weeds, the film focuses on an itinerant acting troupe, who “float” through the countryside. When they arrive in a remote fishing village after a long absence, the head of the troupe is confronted with a dilemma of paternity. He must either reveal himself to be the father of one of the locals, a strapping young postman who believes him to be only his uncle, or watch as the villager is enticed into an affair with a young actress.
Floating Weeds boasts the visual beauty and deep tenderness of Ozu’s most memorable films — and it’s one of the few the master shot in colour.
The film will be shown in Japanese with English subtitles!