Amplify Her – DJ AppleCat Intro and Q&A + Live DJ set


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Heimildamynd/Documentary, Tónlist/Music, Ævisaga/Biography
  • Leikstjóri: Nicole Sorochan & Ian Mackenzie
  • Handritshöfundur: Tracey Friesen
  • Lengd: 88 mín
  • Land: Kanada, Bandaríkin
  • Frumsýnd: 25. Maí 2019
  • Tungumál: Enska / English - No subtitles
  • Aðalhlutverk: Mya Hardman (AppleCat), Samantha Mathews (Blondtron), Madeline Fauss (Lux Moderna), Adi Laflamme (Wala)

Bara þetta EINA KVÖLD – ekki missa af því laugardaginn 25. maí kl.22:00 í Bíó Paradís.

Amplify Her er einstök heimildamynd sem hefur verið að slá í gegn um heiminn og hefur verið sýnd fyrir fullu húsi víðsvegar. Nú gefst okkur einstakt tækifæri á Íslandi til að upplifa þessa mögnuðu heimildamynd á stóra tjaldinu í Bíó Paradís, að viðstaddri einni af aðalpersónu myndarinnar DJ AppleCat frá Kanada, en hún mun kynna myndina stuttlega ásamt því að sitja fyrir svörum eftir mynd, að því loknu mun plötusnúður þeyta skífum í anddyri bíósins.


ONE NIGHT ONLY – don’t miss out on this Saturday May 25th at 22:00 (10pm) in Bíó Paradís.
Part motion comic, part live action, Amplify Her is a documentary film sparking conversations and selling out boutique events around the world. Now there is a unique opportunity in Iceland to experience this amazing documentary on the big screen in Bíó Paradís (Reykjavík), with one of the film’s lead characters DJ AppleCat from Canada in attendance, she will will introduce the film as well as participate in Q&A after the screening, followed by a live DJ set in the cinema foyer.
Amplify Her explores the rise of female artists against the backdrop of the global electronic music festival scene from Burning Man (Nevada) to Rainbow Serpent (Australia). Imagined and brought to life by more than 21 female creators across North America, this lush and visually dynamic world blurs the line between fiction and reality while demonstrating the power of letting women tell their own stories.

The film deftly examines the ways that each individual views their gender in relation to their art, and in doing so, illuminates the difficult questions at the heart of modern-day feminism. Whether equality can be gained if women erase the differences between genders, or whether if women focus on celebrating femininity, it will elevate the importance of diversity.

Featuring AppleCat, Blondtron, CloZee, Lux Moderna, A Hundred Drums, Kytami, and WALA, each of the artists rise through their unique challenges (ncluding illness, sexism, and childhood trauma, to claim their voice and celebrate the power of sisterhood.

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