Ekki missa af ógleymanlegri bíóupplifun með SLAYER í þessari einstöku samsetningu af stuttmynd og tónleikum ásamt sérstöku aukaefni í frábærum hljóð-/myndgæðum miðvikudaginn 6. nóvember kl.19:30 í Bíó Paradís – EINGÖNGU ÞETTA EINA KVÖLD!!!
Hljómsveitin Slayer er fyrir löngu komin á lista yfir eina mestu “thrash-metal” hljómsveit sögunnar – en böndin sem oftast eru kallaðar Risarnir fjórir innan þessarar tónlistarstefnu og hafa haft mest áhrif eru Slayer ásamt Metallica, Megadeth og Anthrax. Nú getur ÞÚ upplifað bæði heimsfrumsýningu á stuttmyndinni “SLAYER: The Repentless Killogy” sem aðdáendur hafa beðið eftir með mikilli eftirvæntingu ásamt sérstöku aukaefni frá hljómsveitarmeðlimum og stórfenglegum tónleikum bandsins sem teknir voru upp í Los Angeles Forum tónleikahöllinni.
- ATHUGIÐ! Árskort, klippikort, frímiðar gilda ekki á þessa sérsýningu!
Experience this MUST-SEE cinema event from one of the biggest “thrash-metal” bands in history, SLAYER – both including a world premiere of their long awaited short film “SLAYER: The Repentless Killogy” as well as a full concert performance from LA Forum in amazing sound and picture quality on Wednesday November 6th @7:30pm in Bíó Paradís – ONE NIGHT ONLY!!!
- ATTENTION! Season-cards, punch-cards, free tickets are not valid for this special screening!
Revenge, murder, bloodshed and retribution. “Slayer: The Repentless Killogy” short film was written and directed by BJ McDonnell, who conceived and directed the three brutal music videos – “You Against You”, “Repentless”, and “Pride in Prejudice”– for Slayer’s final studio album Repentless (2015).
Part one of “The Repentless Killogy” motion picture begins with the powerful short narrative film that brings together the music of Slayer and the grisly story they wanted to tell. Opening with the trilogy of music videos assembled as one chronological storyline, we are introduced to the narrative’s main character Wyatt, a former Neo Nazi associated with “The Hand Brotherhood,” a gang whose signature mark was a bloody handprint left after a murder had taken place.
Part two of “The Repentless Killogy” features Slayer’s entire live set performed at the Los Angeles Forum on August 5, 2017, and was directed by Wayne Isham who has directed videos for artists including Metallica, Foo Fighters, Michael Jackson, Kelly Clarkson, and Britney Spears. Presented in front of one of the most striking stage productions of the band’s career, Slayer performs fan-favorites including “South of Heaven,” “War Ensemble,” “Mandatory Suicide,” “Dead Skin Mask,” “Raining Blood,” and “Angel of Death.”