Turandot – Ástralska óperan


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Ópera
  • Leikstjóri: Chen Shi - Zheng
  • Ár: 2016
  • Lengd: 2 klukkutímar og 15 mín (15 mín hlé í miðju)
  • Land: Ástralía
  • Frumsýnd: 17. September 2016
  • Tungumál: Ítalska með enskri þýðingu.
  • Aðalhlutverk: Dragana Radakovic & Daria Masiero CALÁF Riccardo Massi & Arnold Rawls

Það besta sem þú gætir upplifað á einu kvöldi, söngur, sólsetur og freyðivín á höfninni í Sidney, þar sem Ástralska óperan færir þér sögu Turandot, saga um tregafulla ást, sem þú upplifir undir stjörnunum þar sem stórfengleiki hafnarinnar og sýningarinnar speglast í glasinu þínu. 

Vertu með á fremsta bekk, á einni ástælustu óperu sem sett er upp á ítölsku með enskri þýðingu.


Laugardaginn 17. september kl 20:00

Sunnudaginn 18. september kl 20:00

Sunnudaginn 25. september kl 20:00


In 2016, Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour presents Turandot: a story of a death-marked love told with salt in the air, light on the sails and the city skyline reflected in your glass. It’s the best of Sydney in a single evening: singing, sunsets and sparkling wine, in perfect harmony.

Join us at the water’s edge in a pop-up opera house with purpose-built bars, restaurants and a grandstand under the stars. Chinese director Chen Shi-Zheng’s take on this Chinese fable will be one for the history books. Turandot is a beautiful and powerful princess, who challenges her many suitors to answer three riddles on pain of death. No one has ever succeeded. Caláf is a brave prince from a foreign land, who falls instantly in love with the princess.

Despite the wishes of his exiled father and the pleas of a slave-girl who loves him, he rings the gong and declares his love for the princess. She presents her riddles, and in triumph, the unknown prince answers. Turandot despairs and the prince takes pity – offering the ice-cold princess a riddle of his own. But Caláf’s riddle risks more than his own life – everyone else’s hangs in the balance.

Running time: 2 hours 15 minutes including a 15 minute interval. Performed in Italian with English translation

Screening dates

Saturday September 17th at 20:00

Sunday September 18th at 20:00

Sunday September 25th at 20:00

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