
Handritavinnustofa Midpoint á Stockfish/ Midpoint script workshop at Stockfish


Handritavinnustofan Midpoint fer fram í tengslum við Stockfish hátíðina dagana 10.-11. mars næstkomandi. Frestur til að senda inn handrit í vinnslu rennur út 9. febrúar (eftir aðeins tvo daga). Vinnustofan er ætluð þeim sem eru að vinna að sinni fyrstu eða annarri mynd. Fjögur verkefni verða valin á vinnustofuna og verða verkefnin bæði rædd meðal hópsins en einnig einslega með umsjónarmanninum Pavel Jech. Bæði einstaklingar og skrifarateymi eru velkomin, einnig framleiðendur.

Samstarfsaðilar auk Midpoint ERU Kvikmyndamiðstöð Íslands, Stockfish hátíðin og Bíó Paradís.

Meiri upplýsingar um vinnustofuna og umsóknarferlið má finna á heimasíðu Midpoint

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MIDPOINT Intensive Iceland is a special workshop for Icelandic filmmakers with their feature films in early stages of development. The workshop is intended for writers, directors and producers who are working on their 1st or 2nd features. During an intensive 3-day workshop, 4 selected teams will develop their scripts and projects, both relying on group feedback and on one-to-one consulting with the tutor. Deadline for applications is February 9th (in only two days).

The tutor for the workshop will once again be Pavel Jech. In addition to being MIDPOINT’s artistic director, Pavel is a professor at Chapman University in California, the former dean of FAMU, and an active screenwriter, instructor of screenwriting and expert mentor for the Sundance Lab and Berlinale Talents. The workshop is organized thanks to the support of the Icelandic Film Centre – as well as that of the Stockfish Film Festival and Bio Paradis, Reykjavík’s art-house cinema – and their commitment to securing script and project development at international level for their local film industry.

For more information about applications go to the Midpoint website

Facebook event



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