Dni Filmu Polskiego 2016
Polish Film Days 2016
Pólskir kvikmyndadagar 2016
Come join us for the fifth edition of the Polish Film Days!
As usual, the event will be organized by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Reykjavík in co-operation with Bíó Paradís arthouse, and it will take place during the long weekend that kicks off summer in Iceland – this year, it will be Saturday, 23 April.
Our main theme this year is: “Never give up, it’s such a wonderful life”. The opening movie, “These Daughters of Mine”, tells the story of two sisters, complete opposites like fire and water, who are faced with a difficult life situation and forced to meet each other half way, which leads to a number of tragicomic situations. The other two films, “Life Must Go On” and “The King of Life”, also are about men who change their ways and find that there is more to life that they used to think. These are stories full of optimism, and they show how sometimes all you need in order to find joy and love is a slight change of perspective.
Screening times are as follows:
23 April (Saturday)
16:00 Life Must Go On
18:00 The King of Life
20:00 These Daughters of Mine
All screenings will be in Polish with English subtitles.
Admission is free of charge, but please collect your free ticket for individual screenings beforehand at the box office of Bíó Paradís.
Ambasada RP w Reykjaviku serdecznie zaprasza Państwa na piątą edycję Dni Filmu Polskiego w Reykjaviku!
Tradycyjnie już wydarzenie odbędzie się w kinie Bíó Paradís w weekend rozpoczynający lato na Islandii – w tym roku będzie to sobota 23 kwietnia. Zapraszamy na pokazy:
23 kwietnia (sobota)
16:00 Żyć nie umierać
18:00 Król życia
20:00 Moje córki krowy
Filmy będą pokazywane z napisami w języku angielskim.
Wstęp na wszystkie seanse jest bezpłatny, jednak należy pobrać wejściówkę w kasie kina.
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