AIDA- ástralska óperan


Engar sýningar

Mynd þessi er leyfð öllum aldurshópum

  • Tegund: Ópera
  • Leikstjóri: Gale Edwards
  • Ár: 2015
  • Lengd: 172 mín
  • Land: Ástralía
  • Frumsýnd: 10. Október 2015
  • Tungumál: Ítalska með enskum texta
  • Aðalhlutverk: Latonia Moore RADAMÈSWalter Fraccaro AMNERIS Milijana Nikolic AMONASRO Michael Honeyman RAMFIS David Parkin THE KING Gennadi Dubinsky HIGH PRIESTESS Eva Kon

Í þessu meistaraverki Verdi, eru málefni hjartans sett upp á móti við stórkostlegri tilveru heimsins. Óperan er sett upp á tilkomumesta stað sem hugsast getur, höfninni í Sidney þar sem sólin sest í baksýn.

Tryggðu þér einstaka upplifun þar sem sýningin nær hápunkti að lokum með geysilegri flugeldasýningu undir ægðaróð Amneris.

Sýningin er á ítölsku með enskum texta.


In Aida, Verdi masterfully puts the intimate affairs of the heart against the grandeur of the universe: where kingdoms rise and fall and the sands of time grind onwards. There could be no grander setting for such an opera than Sydney Harbour itself, awash with the light of the city and the Sydney Opera House silhouetted against the setting sun. Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour has become a huge part of the cultural landscape, combining all of the things Sydney does best: world-class opera, champagne and fine dining, sunsets and spectacle on the harbour’s edge.

It’s a monumental undertaking, with a team of more than 700 people involved in the project before a single note is heard over the harbour. Aida is the biggest opera they’ve ever performed on the opera stage. But amid all of the spectacle, the famous ‘Triumphal March’, battle scenes and ancient temples, there’s an emotional heart. Long after the fireworks have faded from the sky and Amneris sings her quiet, concluding prayer, you’ll see the true mastery of this opera: it is at once an historic epic and an utterly relatable human tragedy.

Performed in Italian with English translations.

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