Bíó Paradís kynnir: A FANTASTIC WOMAN sem vann Óskarsverðlaunin sem besta erlenda kvikmyndin 2018!
Miðvikudaginn 14. mars kl 20:00
Laugardaginn 17. mars kl 20:00
Sunnudaginn 18. mars kl 17:45
Marg-verðlaunuð og tilnefnd mynd sem hefur fengið lof gagnrýnenda. Aðalleikkona myndarinnar hefur verið sérstaklega verið lofuð fyrir hlutverk sitt, en hún er transkona sjálf eins og aðalpersóna myndarinnar.
Myndin fjallar um transkonuna Marinu sem missir unnusta sinn skyndilega og veröld hennar umbreytist í kjölfarið. Hún þarf að standa með sjálfri sér og berjast enn á ný við öflin sem hafa haldið henni aftur allt hennar líf.
A timeless trans tale that stands alongside Almodóvar.
– Ryan Gilbey, The Guardian
Exquisitely compassionate portrait of a trans woman whose mourning for a lost lover is obstructed at every turn by individual and institutional prejudice.
– Guy Lodge, Variety
A Fantastic Woman is at once a straightforward story of self-assertion and defiance and a complex study of the nuances of identity.
– A.O. Scott, The NY Times
The Best Foreign Language Film at the 90th Academy Awards!
Wednesday March 14th at 20:00
Saturday March 17th at 20:00
Sunday March 18th at 17:45
A Fantastic Woman is a touching and a harrowing film from the award-winning director Sebastián Lelio and has the lead actress Daniela Vega been praised for her acting, but she is a transgender like the main character the plays.
The film tells of Marina, who is in a loving relationship with older partner Orlando who unexpectedly dies. Marina, who is transgender, faces discrimination and hostility from both Orlando’s family and government officials while also contending with her devastating grief.