Kynlíf, valdafíkn, svik og grimmd. Stórbrotin uppfærsla Northern Ballet á þessu þekkta verki. Fjórar árstíðir Vivaldi eru í aðalhlutverki sem tónverk og færir áhorfandann enn nær dönsurunum á listilegann máta.
- ATHUGIÐ! Árskort, klippikort, frímiðar gilda ekki á þessar sýningar!
Sex. Power. Cruelty. Deceit. Two bored aristocrats spin a web of heartbreak in 18th century France. It may seem like a game, but lives will be ruined and love irrevocably lost.
Northern Ballet’s bodice-ripping retelling of Dangerous Liaisons is performed and filmed by their incredible dancers in a cinema first that pulls you into their stage. Set to Vivaldi’s The Four Seasons, you’ll feel every heartbeat of this scintillatingly scandalous ballet.
- ATTENTION! Annual-passes, punch-cards, free tickets are not valid for these screenings!