Danskar og tékkneskar stuttmyndir


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Stuttmyndir
  • Leikstjóri: Ýmsir
  • Ár: 2016
  • Lengd: 42 mín
  • Land: Tékkland, Danmörk
  • Aldurshópur: +3
  • Frumsýnd: 30. Mars 2017
  • Tungumál: Ekkert tal, síðasta myndin er á dönsku með enskum texta

Jólasaga – tékknesk stuttmynd sem fjallar um lítinn dreng sem lifir af stríð í borginni sinni, en hann fæst við það að safna gömlum leikföngum í þeim tilgangi að gera við þau. Hann lítur á leikföngin sem staðgengla vini og fjölskyldu sem hann hefur misst í stríðinu. Jólasaga er saga magnaðra töfra sem börn skapa í erfiðum aðstæðum. (12 mín, án tals)

Húsið – tékknesk stuttmynd fjallar um fjölskyldu sem yfirgefur litla húsið sitt í úthverfi borgarinnar. (6 mín, án tals)

Lilja – dönsk stuttmynd sem fjallar um Lilju sem er of lítil fyrir ýmislegt. En hún lendir í ýmsum ævintýrum, skemmtileg teiknimynd fyrir alla aldurshópa. (24 mín, danska með enskum texta)

Myndirnar eru sýndar í samstarfi við Tékknesku Kvikmyndamiðstöðina og Danska Sendiráðið á Íslandi.

Samtals 42 mín. 


The Christmas Ballad based on the very last script by Bretislav Pojar. In the ruins of the city, destroyed by the war, a small boy survives. He is hiding from fighting machines and collecting old broken toys that he carries to his shelter to repair them. They replace his friends and family. One day he finds a Christmas gift and runs away with him to the mound of the fairgrounds. The Christmas Ballad is a story of a powerful magic of children’s games, that breaks the walls of hatred and puts together apparent enemies. (12 min)

The House Short animated movie from a world that is similar to ours, and yet a little bit different. Everything begins, when the family leaves their tiny house in the suburbs. (6 min)

Lili– Lili is too small for many things. This however, will certainly not stop her from trying. Lili likes being the boss, and she wants so much more than she can. She wants to be big enough to decide EVERYTHING. Like when to go to bed, what to eat and what to wear. And when she does not get her way, she gets cross. But mostly Lili likes to have fun and play with Bow-wow. Like when she brushes everything and everyone with toothpaste in the bathroom. Lili’s best friend is Molly. When She comes to visit, Lili meets her match. They fall out and quickly make up again. Lili is a series about being 3 years old. (24 min)

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