Dazed and Confused – föstudagspartísýning!


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Gamanmynd
  • Leikstjóri: Richard Linklater
  • Handritshöfundur: Richard Linklater
  • Ár: 1993
  • Lengd: 102 mín
  • Land: Bandaríkin
  • Frumsýnd: 26. Október 2018
  • Tungumál: Enska
  • Aðalhlutverk: Jason London, Wiley Wiggins, Matthew McConaughey

Myndin fjallar um síðasta árið í menntaskóla hjá hópi unglinga í heimabæ leikstjóra hennar Richards Linklaters, Austin í Texas á áttunda áratugnum.

Kyntröllið Matthew McConaughey þreytti sína fyrstu áheyrnarprufu árið 1993 fyrir myndina!

Sannkölluð föstudagspartísýning 26. október kl 20:00! 

“All I’m saying is that if I ever start referring to these as the best years of my life – remind me to kill myself.”


It’s the last day of the school year in 1976, and everyone’s ready for a party. First, however, the incoming freshmen students must go through bizarre initiation rituals organised by the soon-to-be-seniors, while everyone does their best to get stoned or get laid.

“Fleet, charming, funny, and affectionate — the sort of movie that contains multitudes. You could disappear into it for weeks on end.” –Rollingstone.com 

A true Friday Night Party screening, October 26th at 20:00! 

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