Free Solo


Engar sýningar

Mynd þessi er leyfð öllum aldurshópum

  • Tegund: Heimildamynd/Documentary
  • Leikstjóri: Jimmy Chin, Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi
  • Ár: 2018
  • Lengd: 100 mín
  • Land: Bandaríkin
  • Frumsýnd: 15. Febrúar 2019
  • Tungumál: Enska / English - No subtitles
  • Aðalhlutverk: Alex Honnold, Tommy Caldwell, Jimmy Chin, Sanni McCandless

Margverðlaunuð heimildamynd um fjallaklifrarann Alex Honnold sem fylgir ævidraumnum um að klífa hinn heimsfræga og þverhnípta klettavegg El Capitan í Yosemite þjóðgarðinum. Þetta gríðarlega þrekvirki afrekaði Alex fyrstur manna einn og óstuddur án reipis og annars öryggisbúnaðar, en þetta er án nokkurs vafa eitt stærsta afrek í sögu klettaklifurs.

Myndin FREE SOLO er grípandi, náin og vægðarlaus sýn á solo-klettaklifrarann Alex Honnold, þar sem fylgst er með honum við undirbúning og framkvæmd þessa gríðarlega afreks. Heimildamyndagerðarmaðurinn E. Chai Vasarhelyi, sem hlotið hefur mörg verðlaun fyrir verk sín, og hinn heimsþekkti ljósmyndari og fjallamaður Jimmy Chin slógust í för með Alex til að festa allt á filmu.

Ekki missa af einni svakalegustu heimildamynd allra tíma sem hefur bókstaflega sópað til sín verðlaunum og gagnrýnendur keppast við að ausa lofi, en myndin er meðal annars tilnefnd til Óskarsverðlaunanna 2019 sem besta heimildamynd.

ATH! Eingöngu sýnd í takmarkaðan tíma í Bíó Paradís – á ensku en án texta!


From award-winning documentary filmmaker E. Chai Vasarhelyi and world-renowned photographer and mountaineer Jimmy Chin, the directors of “MERU,” comes FREE SOLO, a stunning, intimate and unflinching portrait of free soloist climber Alex Honnold, as he prepares to achieve his lifelong dream: climbing the face of the world’s most famous rock … the 3,200-foot El Capitan in Yosemite National Park … without a rope. Celebrated as one of the greatest athletic feats of any kind, Honnold’s climb set the ultimate standard: perfection or death. Succeeding in this challenge places his story in the annals of human achievement.

FREE SOLO is an edge-of-your seat thriller and an inspiring portrait of an athlete who challenges
both his body and his beliefs on a quest to triumph over the impossible, revealing the personal toll of
excellence. As the climber begins his training, the armor of invincibility he’s built up over decades
unexpectedly breaks apart when Honnold begins to fall in love, threatening his focus and giving way
to injury and setbacks. Vasarhelyi and Chin succeed in beautifully capturing deeply human moments
with Honnold as well as the death-defying climb with exquisite artistry and masterful, vertigo-inducing
camerawork. The result is a triumph of the human spirit that represents what The New York Times
calls “a miraculous opportunity for the rest of us to experience the human sublime.”

Don’t miss out on one of the most breathtaking documentary features of all times, which as literally swept away numerous awards and recognitions as well as being praised by critics around the world, the film is amongst others nominated for the Oscar Academy Awards 2019 as the best documentary feature film.

ATTENTION! Only screened for a very limited time in Bíó Paradís – in English without subtitles!

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