Constantine “Connie” Nikas (Robert Pattison) fer hættulegar og örvæntingarfullar leiðir til þess að frelsa bróður sinn úr fangelsi en er samtímis að reyna halda sér frá því að komast í kast við lögin.
Kvikmyndin var frumsýnd í aðalkeppni á kvikmyndahátíðinni í Cannes þar sem hún keppti um aðalverðlaunin Palme d’Or, og hlaut þar verðlaun fyrir bestu tónlistina í kvikmynd. Robert Pattison vann verðlaun fyrir besta leik í aðalhlutverki ásamt því að Safdie bræður hlutu sérstök dómnefndarverðlaun International Cinephile Society Awards.
Myndin er sýnd sem hluti af sumardagskrá Bíó Paradís í maí 2018.
After a botched bank robbery lands his younger brother in prison, Constantine Nikas (Robert Pattinson) embarks on a twisted odyssey through the city’s underworld in an increasingly desperate—and dangerous—attempt to get his brother out of jail. Over the course of one adrenalized night, Constantine finds himself on a mad descent into violence and mayhem as he races against the clock to save his brother and himself, knowing their lives hang in the balance.
Good Time competed for the Palme d’Or in the main competition section at the 2017 Cannes Film Festival where it won Cannes Soundtrack award followed by the International Cinephile Society Awards for best actor (Robert Pattison) and Prix du Jury award (Safdie brothers).
The film is screened at Bíó Paradís – May 2018!
“Ignore the deceptively convivial title: This is the kind of thrill that sticks”. – Vulture
“Robert Pattinson hits a career high in Benny and Josh Safdie’s nervy, vivid heist thriller, which merges messy humanity with tight genre mechanics.” – Variety