Gorillaz: Song Machine Live From Kong


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Tónleikar/Concert
  • Ár: 2020
  • Lengd: 157
  • Land: Bretland
  • Frumsýnd: 8. Desember 2021
  • Aðalhlutverk: 2D, Murdoc, Russel, Noodle

Upplifðu stærstu stafrænu hljómsveit í heimi, GORILLAZ, í bestu hljóð- og myndgæðum miðvikudaginn 8. desember kl 19:30! – UPPSELT

Song Machine Live tónleikarnir verða sýndir samtímis um heim allan og því er þetta EINSTAKT tækifæri fyrir áhorfendur að njóta saman en vakin er athygli að áður óséð baksviðs efni verður einnig hluti af sýningunni.

Aukasýning miðvikudaginn 15. desember kl 18:00 – TRYGGÐU ÞÉR MIÐA Í TÆKA TÍÐ!


Experience the biggest virtual band on the planet in cinemas worldwide, as Gorillaz bring their highly acclaimed Song Machine Live to the big screen. Bringing Jamie Hewlett’s visuals to a thrilling live performance, the set features songs fromthe Song Machine project, along with some revered classics from the group’s back catalogue.

Guitarist Noodle, bassist Murdoc Niccals, drummer Russel and frontman 2D are joined by Damon Albarn and the full Gorillaz live band, plus a choice selection of featured artists, showcasing their first live performance since 2018.

This special presentation also features apre-show programme and exclusive behind-the-scenes footage.

December 8th – SOLD OUT

December 15th at 18:00 – Tickets are now on sale.

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