Körfuboltaflokkur fyrir stelpur var stofnaður 2015 en þjálfarinn var óvenjulegur og hækkaði sífellt rána. Þær voru þjálfaðar sem leiðtogar utan vallar og afrekskonur innan vallar. Þetta er saga 8-13 ára stúlkna sem vildu breyta viðmiðum í kvennakörfu á Íslandi. Með miklum fórnarkostnaði mættu þær mótlætinu sem því fylgdi.
In 2015 a basketball team for girls was founded in Iceland and the coach kept raising the bar. The girls were coached like leaders outside the court and like professional athletes on the court. This is the story of 8-13 year old girls who wanted to change the basketball culture in Iceland. With a great sacrifice they faced the adversity that followed.
Raise The Bar received the Grand Jury Price at Skjaldborg 2022
Producer: Margrét Jónasdóttir
Screened with English subtitles