Þegar hin feimna 16 ára Lisa fær sér afleysingastarf í stórri verslunarmiðstöð í Sydney í upphafi sumars 1959, kynnist hún hóp kvenna sem gangast undir nafninu “dömurnar í svörtu”. Heilluð og undir áhrifum Magda, kraftmikilli stýru hátískudeildarinnar, ásamt aðstoðar söludömunum Patty og Fay, opnast augu Lisa fyrir nýjum heimi sem er fullur af tækifærum. Á meðan hún þroskast frá bókaglaðri skólastúlku í glæsilega og jákvæða unga dömu, munu áhrifin sem þær hafa á hvor aðra breyta lífi þeirra allra.
Ladies in Black er heillandi og kærleiksríkt gaman-drama sem er leikstýrt af hinum tvöfalt Óskarstilnefnda® leikstjóra Bruce Beresford, sem færði okkur bæði Driving Miss Daisy og Mao’s Last Dancer, og er sagan byggð á metsölubókinni THE WOMEN IN BLACK eftir Madeleine St John.
Frumsýnd 19. júlí með ensku tali en án texta í Bíó Paradís – EINGÖNGU sýnd í takmarkaðan tíma!!!
Set in the summer of 1959, when the impact of European migration and the rise of women’s liberation is about to change Australia forever, Lisa, aged sixteen, takes a holiday job at the prestigious Sydney department store, Goode’s. There she meets the “ladies in black”. Beguiled and influenced by Magda, the vivacious manager of the high-fashion floor, and assisting sales ladies Patty and Fay, Lisa is awakened to a world of possibilities. As she grows from a bookish schoolgirl into a glamorous and positive young woman, the impact they have on each other will change all their lives.
Ladies in Black is an alluring and tender-hearted comedy drama directed by the two-time Academy Award® nominated film director Bruce Beresford, who brought us both Driving Miss Daisy and Mao’s Last Dancer, and the story is adapted from the bestselling novel THE WOMEN IN BLACK by Madeleine St John.
Premiers July 19th without subtitles in Bíó Paradís – ONLY shown for limited time!!!