Life Must Go On / Að lifa að eilífu


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Drama
  • Leikstjóri: Maciej Migas
  • Ár: 2015
  • Lengd: 81 mín
  • Land: Pólland
  • Tungumál: Polish with English subtitles
  • Aðalhlutverk: Tomasz Kot, Janusz Chabior, Jacek Braciak

Bartek (Tomasz Kot) sem var einu sinni vinsæll leikari en er núna skemmtikraftur í sjónvarpsþætti fær þær fréttir að hann sé með ólæknandi sjúkdóm. Að sögn læknis á hann aðeins þrjá mánuði eftir ólifaða. Bartek ákveður að nota tímann til fulls, ganga frá sínum málum, leiðrétta mistök og ná sáttum við dóttur sína.

Hann trúir því að það sé alltaf einhver lausn, jafnvel í flóknustu málum.  Jákvæðni og léttlyndi hans veldur undrun hjá hans nánustu. Hann reynir að breyta örlögum sínum og að sannfæra Aðalhandritshöfundinn um að klára lífssögu hans með farsælum endi.

Á pólsku með enskum texta. Frítt inn og allir velkomnir. 


Bartek (Tomasz Kot), once a popular actor, now an audience entertainer in a popular TV show, learns that he is sick – according to the doctors, he only has three months to live. Bartek decides to live these three months to the fullest, to set his matters right, correct the mistakes he has made in his life and make up with his beloved daughter.

He believes that there is a solution even to the trickiest life situations and – much to the surprise of those closest to him, who are taken aback by his cheerfulness and good spirits – he tries to alter the plot of fate and convince the Supreme Screenwriter to conclude his story with a happy end. In Polish with English subtitles. Free entrance. 

Bartek (Tomasz Kot), niegdyś wzięty aktor, teraz zabawiacz publiczności w popularnym telewizyjnym show, dowiaduje się, że jest nieuleczalnie chory. Według lekarza zostały mu zaledwie trzy miesiące życia. Bartek postanawia maksymalnie wykorzystać ten czas, uporządkować swoje sprawy, naprawić błędy życiowe i pogodzić się z ukochaną córką.

Wierzy, że nie ma takiej sytuacji, z której nie byłoby jakiegoś wyjścia i – zaskakując najbliższych pogodą ducha i poczuciem humoru – stara się zmienić bieg losu i przekonać Najwyższego Scenarzystę, aby jego historia zakończyła się happy endem.

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