Ekki missa af geggjaðri SING-ALONG Partísýningu á MAMMA MIA! – nú aukalega á laugardegi 27. júlí kl 20:00!!! Athugið að myndin verður sýnd án íslensks texta, en enskur texti birtist með lögunum og við hvetjum alla gesti til að mæta og syngja með uppáhalds ABBA lögunum! Eins og vanalega verður sjoppan stútfull af sætindum og barinn fljótandi af partíveigum sem að sjálfsögðu má taka með inní salinn!
Mamma Mia! er saga sem á sér stað á grískri eyju og segir frá dóttur í leit að föður sínum til þess að leiða sig upp að altarinu. Ævintýrið er fléttað inn í 27 af vinsælustu lögum hljómsveitarinnar ABBA en þar má nefna lög eins og Dancing Queen, Knowing Me Knowing You, Super Trouper og Mamma Mia!
Komdu og vertu með okkur í frábærri söngveislu á MAMMA MIA!
Tryggðu þér miða STRAX því síðast varð uppselt!
Don’t miss out on a spectacular SING-ALONG PARTY Screening of MAMMA MIA! -now additionally on a Saturday July 27th at 20:00!!! Please note that the movie will be screened without Icelandic subtitles, but English subtitles will appear during the songs and we encourage all guests to show up and sing-along with their favourite ABBA songs! As usual the kiosk will be filled with sweets and the bar flowing with party-drinks that are of course allowed in the screening hall!
The story of a bride-to-be trying to find her real father told using hit songs by the popular ’70s group ABBA.
Donna (Meryl Streep), an independent hotelier in the Greek islands, is preparing for her daughter’s wedding with the help of two old friends. Meanwhile Sophie, the spirited bride, has a plan. She secretly invites three men from her mother’s past in hope of meeting her real father and having him escort her down the aisle on her big day.
Join the music, laughter and fun of the irresistibly charming Mamma Mia! The Movie. Academy Award-winner Meryl Streep leads an all-star cast, including Pierce Brosnan and Colin Firth – as well as up-and-comers Amanda Seyfried and Dominic Cooper, in this musical celebration of mothers, daughters and fathers, and true loves lost and new ones found.
Based on the Broadway smash-hit and filled with the ABBA songs you know and love, it’s the feel-good experience that will have you singing and dancing over and over again.
Come and join us for an awesome Sing-Along during MAMMA MIA!
Secure your tickets NOW because last time it got sold-out!