Upplifðu sköpunarmátt ástarinnar í þessari fögru og harmrænu ástarsögu sem hér er rakin á milli hins goðsagnakennda tónlistarmanns Leonard Cohen og norsku músunnar hans Marianne Ihlen.
Stórbrotin heimildamynd sem þú vilt ekki missa af, sýnd aðeins þetta eina kvöld, laugardaginn 2. nóvember kl 20:00!
Nick Broomfield’s riveting documentary gives us a vivid snapshot of the early 1960s and a complicated, mysterious love story. In this era, the poet and future music star Leonard Cohen fell in love with a beautiful and sensitive Norwegian woman called Marianne Ihlen on the stunning Greek island of Hydra and thought of her as his “muse”, inspiring songs such as So Long, Marianne and Bird on a Wire.
A fantastic documentary, that has received great reviews, that you do not want to miss out on!
Screened Saturday November 2nd at 20:00! One night only!