Sérstök aukasýning vegna vinsælda á Franskri Kvikmyndahátíð 2020 – BARA laugardaginn 8. febrúar kl.19:40!
Vinátta tveggja ungra manna er undir þegar þeir leika saman í stuttmynd þar sem þeir eiga að kyssast. Úr verður stórkostleg saga löngunar en kvikmyndin skartar sjálfum Xavier Dolan í öðru aðalhlutverkinu, en hann skrifar og leikstýrir myndinni einnig sem frumsýnd var á Kvikmyndahátíðinni Cannes 2019.
Special extra screening because of popularity on French Film Festival 2020 – ONLY on Saturday February 8th at 19:40!
The film centres on the titular Matthias (Gabriel D’Almeida Freitas) and Maxime (Xavier Dolan), lifelong friends whose relationship is tested when they act in a short film whose script calls for them to kiss, leaving them both questioning their sexual identities when the experience awakens their long-dormant feelings for each other.
The film had its world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival 2019 where it was nominated for Palme d’Or and the Queer Palm.
” … His movies, for me, have become increasingly watchable, accessible and enjoyable because the feelings involved are increasingly real and deeply felt. There is such tenderness and gentleness in this film.” – Peter Bradshaw, The Guardian