Pain and Glory


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Drama
  • Leikstjóri: Pedro Almodóvar
  • Handritshöfundur: Pedro Almodóvar
  • Ár: 2019
  • Lengd: 113 mín
  • Land: Spánn
  • Frumsýnd: 6. Mars 2020
  • Tungumál: Spænska með enskum texta // Spanish with English subtitles
  • Aðalhlutverk: Antonio Banderas, Asier Etxeandia, Leonardo Sbaraglia, Penélope Cruz

Hér er um að ræða per­sónu­leg­ustu mynd spænska leik­stjór­ans Pedro Almodóvar til þessa. Ant­onio Band­eras fer með hlut­verk kvikmyndaleikstjóra sem hefur mátt muna fífil sinn fegri og horfir til baka yfir líf sitt og feril. Myndin skartar einnig Penelope Cruz  sem leik­ur móður hans. Mynd­in hef­ur sló öll aðsókn­ar­met á Spáni og Antonio Banderas var tilnefndur til Óskarsverðlauna fyrir leik sinn.

Stórbrotin kvikmynd eftir leikstjóran Allt um móður mína, sem þú vilt ekki missa af! Sýnd með enskum texta!


A film director reflects on the choices he’s made in life as past and present come crashing down around him.

“Pedro Almodóvar’s sublime Pain and Glory, a story of memory and creation, youth and its loss, circles around the idea of art as self-creation.” – The New York Times

“The artful symmetry is an Almodovar hallmark, and his cinematic memento is filled with the intimate, indelible moments that made a life. You can feel his passion for cinema in every frame.” – Rolling Stone 

“Pain & Glory might see Almodóvar working in a minor key but it is a major work, graced with career-best work from Antonio Banderas” – Empire

It made its international debut at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, where the film was selected to compete for the Palme d’Or, Banderas won the award for Best Actor and Alberto Iglesias won for Best Soundtrack. Banderas was also nominated for an Academy Award as Best Actor.

Screened with English subtitles!


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