Stórkostleg mynd í leikstjórn Ken Loach sem segir sögu fjölskyldu í Newcastle sem er skuldum vafin eftir fjármálakreppuna. Fjölskyldufaðirinn vonast til þess að fjárhagurinn vænkist þegar hann byrjar í nýrri vinnu sem sjálfstætt starfandi sendill.
Ein allra sterkasta kvikmynd Loach að mati gagnrýnenda, sem skilur eftir sammannlegar tilfinningar eftir hjá áhorfandanum, – ein besta kvikmynd ársins sem keppti um Gullpálmann á kvikmyndahátíðinni í Cannes 2019.
The I, Daniel Blake director raises his game yet further with this gut-wrenching tale of a delivery worker driven to the brink.
At age 82, Loach is doing some of his strongest work in Sorry We Missed You, a drama of such searing human empathy and quotidian heartbreak that its powerful climactic scenes actually impede your breathing.
“It’s fierce, open and angry, unironised and unadorned, about a vital contemporary issue whose implications you somehow don’t hear on the news. … This brilliant film will focus minds”- ★★★★★ – The Guardian
“Ken Loach makes everyday problems seem the stuff of epic drama” – ★★★★★ – Independent
“Masterful … Ken Loach delivers one of his best films” – Screen Daily
The film was nominated to the Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival 2019.