Stop Making Sense er tónleikamynd frá árinu 1984 þar sem fylgst er með hljómsveitinni Talking Heads á tónleikum í Hollywood’s Pantages Theater í desember árið 1983. Myndinni var leikstýrt af Jonathan Demme (The Silence of the Lambs, Philadelphia) og er talin sem ein allra besta tónleikamynd sögunnar.
Stop Making Sense is a 1984 concert movie featuring a live performance by Talking Heads. Directed by Jonathan Demme, it was shot over the course of three nights at Hollywood’s Pantages Theater in December 1983, as the group was touring to promote their new album Speaking in Tongues. The movie is notable for being the first made entirely using digital audio techniques. The band raised the budget of $1.2 million themselves. The title comes from the lyrics of the song “Girlfriend Is Better”: “As we get older and stop making sense…”. The film has been hailed by Leonard Maltin as “one of the greatest rock movies ever made”