Hinn sex ára gamli Michael Myers stingur systur sína til bana á Hrekkjavökukvöldi árið 1963. Eftir að hafa síðar setið í fimmtán ár á geðsjúkrahúsi snýr Myers aftur í heimabæ sinn Haddonfield í þeim tilgangi að drepa….
Svartir Sunnudagar hylla hrekkjavökuna með því að sýna stutt viðtal við John Carpenter á undan sýningunni, ekki missa af þessu sunnudaginn 30. október kl 20:00 í Bíó Paradís!
Halloween in Bíó Paradís, Sunday October 30th at 20:00!
On Halloween night of 1963, six-year-old Michael Myers stabbed his sister to death. After sitting in a mental hospital for 15 years, Myers escapes and returns to Haddonfield to kill.
John Carpenter’s Halloween premiered on October 25th, 1978. This cinema classic, digitally restored and remastered by the original cinematographer, features an exclusive extended interview and retrospective with filmmaker John Carpenter. The exclusive explores the history of the film, the legendary director behind it and the influenceHalloween has had on not only the horror genre, but also the entire film industry. Carpenter explains why the film is meant for the big screen, the influences that inspire his filmmaking and how Halloween became the highest grossing independent film of all time.