The King of Life / Konungur lífsins


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Gaman- Drama
  • Leikstjóri: Jerzy Zieliński
  • Ár: 2015
  • Lengd: 93 mín
  • Land: Pólland
  • Tungumál: Polish with English subtitles
  • Aðalhlutverk: Robert Wieckiewicz, Magdalena Poplawska, Bartlomiej Topa

Edward (Robert Więckiewicz) er skapvondur og þröngsýnn maður á fimmtugsaldri sem þolir ekki vinnuna sína. Allt virðist fara í taugarnar á honum líkt og hann væri alltaf í of þröngum skóm.  Hann fyrirlitur konuna sína, er óþolinmóður gagnvart dóttur sinni og hefur aldrei tíma fyrir föður sinn. Einn daginn umbreytist allt – hann verður allt í einu hamingjusamur. Hann fer að taka eftir fólki í kringum sig og umhverfinu sínu.

Það er sagt að hamingjan sé smitandi í allt að 800 m fjarlægð. Það hlýtur að vera rétt, því Edward geislar af hamingju. Það sem kemur mest á óvart er að hann býr enn í sömu íbúð, gengur á sömu gangstétt og hittir sama fólkið. Hann endurheimtir ástina og lífsánægjuna hér og nú… Hvað skyldi hafa gerst?

Á pólsku með enskum texta. Frítt inn og allir velkomnir. 


Edward (Robert Więckiewicz) is in his forties and hates his job, he is angry at everyone and everything around him. He is constantly annoyed, as though he wore shoes that are two sizes too small. Nasty towards his wife, impatient towards his daughter, he can barely find any time for his father. But one day… destiny changes Edward’s ways – he suddenly becomes happy, starts noticing people and things surrounding him.

They say happiness is contagious up to 800 meters – and it is probably true, since Edward spreads such a positive aura around him. And notably, all of this happened with Edward living in the same apartment, passing the same shops in the streets, meeting the same people. He still manages to recapture love and  joy of here and now… So what happened?

In Polish with English subtitles. Free entrance and everyone is welcome. 

Czterdziestoparoletni Edward (Robert Więckiewicz), nie lubi swojej pracy, jest najeżony, zamknięty na otaczający go świat. Wszystko go denerwuje, jak gdyby ciągle chodził w zbyt ciasnych butach. Złośliwy dla żony, niecierpliwy dla córki, prawie niemający czasu dla ojca. Pewnego dnia los odmienia jego życie – nagle zaczyna być szczęśliwy, dostrzegać ludzi i rzeczy, które go otaczały.

Podobno szczęście jest zaraźliwe na odległość 800 metrów. Na to wygląda, bo Edward roztacza taką pozytywną aurę. I co ważne – wszystko to ma miejsce mimo tego, że mieszka w tym samym mieszkaniu, chodzi tym samym chodnikiem i spotyka tych samych ludzi. Odzyskuje miłość oraz radość bycia tu i teraz… Co się stało?

Edward (Robert Więckiewicz) is in his forties and hates his job, he is angry at everyone and everything around him. He is constantly annoyed, as though he wore shoes that are two sizes too small. Nasty towards his wife, impatient towards his daughter, he can barely find any time for his father. But one day… destiny changes Edward’s ways – he suddenly becomes happy, starts noticing people and things surrounding him.

They say happiness is contagious up to 800 meters – and it is probably true, since Edward spreads such a positive aura around him. And notably, all of this happened with Edward living in the same apartment, passing the same shops in the streets, meeting the same people. He still manages to recapture love and  joy of here and now… So what happened?

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