The Nothing Factory (A Fábrica de Nada)


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Drama, Söngleikur/Musical
  • Leikstjóri: Pedro Pinho
  • Handritshöfundur: Pedro Pinho, Luisa Homem, Leonor Noivo, Tiago Hespanha | Based on idea by Jorge Silva Melo
  • Ár: 2017
  • Lengd: 177 mín
  • Land: Portúgal
  • Frumsýnd: 19. Júlí 2019
  • Tungumál: Portúgalska, Franska - Enskur texti // Portuguese, French - English subtitles
  • Aðalhlutverk: José Smith Vargas, Carla Galvão, Njamy Sebastião, Joaquim Bichana Martins, Daniele Incalcaterra, Rui Ruivo, Hermínio Amaro, António Santos

Kvöld eitt uppgötvar einn starfsmannahópur í verksmiðju að vinnuveitandi þeirra er að stela eigin vélum og hráefni vinnustaðarins í skjóli nætur. Þetta virðist vera liður í því að knésetja verksmiðjuna og því ljóst að fjöldauppsagnir eru líklegast yfirvofandi. Til að vernda tækin og koma í veg fyrir að framleiðslan verði færð annað taka verkamennirnir sig saman og sölsa undir sig verksmiðjuna.

Margverðlaun og lofsömuð mynd af gagnrýnendum víða sem var frumsýnd á kvikmyndahátíðinni í Cannes í Director’s Fortnight flokknum. Myndin naut mikilla vinsælda og hlaut hin virtu alþjóðlegu FIPRESCI gagnrýnendaverðlaun, þar sagði dómnefndin meðal annars um myndina “sprengir ramma milli raunveruleika, skáldskapar, leikhúss og félagslegrar umræður sem leiðir til uggandi og ögrandi kvikmyndaupplifunar”.

Frumsýnd 19. júlí í Bíó Paradís – EINGÖNGU sýnd í 1 viku og með enskum texta!!!


One night a group of factory workers discover that their employer is stealing its own machines and raw materials. They organize to guard the equipment and keep production from being moved elsewhere. As a form of retaliation the workers are forced to stand at their workstations doing nothing, while the negotiations for a general layoff go on. This immense pressure leads to several outbursts, as the world around them collapses.

THE NOTHING FACTORY invites us to reflect on the role of work in a time when the economic crisis has become the dominant form of government. Award-winning and praised by critics, the film premiered in the Directors’ Fortnight at Cannes and walked away with the prestigious FIPRESCI critics award, where the jury had this to say “An evocative activist film that blows the boundaries between reality, fiction, theater an sociological discourse leading to an unsettling and provocative cinematic experience.”

Premiers July 19th in Bíó Paradís – ONLY shown for 1 week with English subtitles!!!

“A film which proves that you can fight the power while dancing at the same time.”  -David Jenkins, Little White Lies

“This is the kind of bold film-making, bristling with risks and ideas, that shakes up cinema from the inside.”  -Wendy Ide, Observer (UK)

“There is gathering power as we peer into lives, conflicts and labour pains, in all senses, of a new-born industrial showdown.”  -Nigel Andrews, Financial Times

“Exploring workers’ rights in an age of mechanisation and recession, this isn’t always an easy watch. But it’s played with spirit, filmed with integrity and is pleasingly full of surprises.”  -David Parkinson, Empire Magazine

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