Modulf er strítt í sífellu af sterkustu strákunum í skólanum, en honum finnst það í lagi, því þá bjargar hann öðrum krökkum frá því að vera strítt. Þegar ný stelpa, Lisa, kemur bekkinn þá breytist allt.. Hver er ofurhetjan eftir allt saman?
Frábær norsk barnakvikmynd fyrir alla fjölskylduna, sýnd á Alþjóðlegri Barnakvikmyndahátíð í Reykjavík dagana 30. mars – 9. apríl 2017. Myndin er sýnd á norsku með enskum texta.
Myndin er sýnd í samstarfi við Norska Sendiráðið á Íslandi.
The Tough Guys is the story about 11-year old Modulf who thinks he is a super hero. Every day he is bullied by the toughest guys at school. And that’s fine. Because if Modulf is the one being bullied – the other children won’t be. One day a new girl moves in next door, Lise. Lise does not agree with Modulf’s theories. She cares, and creates havoc in the ranks – and suddenly she is the one in the middle of the storm who must be saved. Modulf is forced to face his own situation – and do something about it.
A great Norwegian Children´s Film, screened with English subtitles during The Reykjavík International Children´s Film Festival, March 30th – April 9th – 2017.
The film is screened in cooperation with the Norwegian Embassy in Iceland.