Hinn heilagi faðir! Ekki missa af Anthony Hopkins og Jonathan Pryce fara á kostum í The Two Popes sem hefur fengið einróma lof gagnrýnenda fyrir sprenghlægilega útfærslu á gæðasögu sem er einkar vel skrifuð.
Frumsýnd 13. desember með íslenskum texta – EINGÖNGU sýnd í takmarkaðan tíma!!!
After much soul-searching, Argentinian Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio accepts the offer to assume the Catholic Church’s highest office after Pope Benedict resigns.
Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce in The Two Popes, the Holy Father Two-Hander You Never Knew You Needed!
” … an extraordinary piece of writing — and an even more impressive showcase for its actors — it eloquently communicates the importance of giving people something to believe in.” Variety
“The Two Popes” is greatly entertaining … The combination of the adept and seasoned actors, the witty repartee of the script and Meirelles’ bent towards humor take what might have been didactic and preachy and transform it into something heartwarming and even inspirational.” – The Wrap
Premiers December 13th with Icelandic subtitles – ONLY shown for a limited time!!!