Stórkostleg heimildamynd þar sem við fylgjumst með listrænu sambandi Nick Cave og Warren Ellis þar sem lög af plötunum Ghosteen og Carnage eru flutt.
Við fylgjumst með þeim á tónleikaferðalagi vorið 2021 á Bretlandseyjum þar sem m.a. Marianne Faithful bregður fyrir.
Frumsýnd 11. maí í Bíó Paradís!
Shot on location in London & Brighton, Andrew Dominik’s new feature documentary THIS MUCH I KNOW TO BE TRUE captures Nick Cave and Warren Ellis’ exceptional creative relationship as they bring to life the songs from their last two studio albums, Ghosteen (Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds) and Carnage (Nick Cave & Warren Ellis).
In this document of their first ever performances of these albums, filmed in spring 2021 ahead of their UK tour, we see the two, accompanied by singers and string quartet, as they nurtureeach song into existence. The film features a special appearance by close friend and long-term collaborator, Marianne Faithfull.
Premieres May 11th 2022!