Rose-Lynn Harlan er uppreisnargjörn country-söngkona og tveggja barna móðir sem er nýsloppin úr fangelsi og reynir að ná endum saman í tilgangslausu starfi, á meðan hún reynir að láta metnaðarfullan draum sinn rætast um frægð og frama sem tónlistarkona. Með aðstoð yfirmanns síns heldur Rose-Lynn í lífsbreytandi ferðalag sem á eftir að reyna á sjálfsvitund hennar en hjálpa henni að uppgötva hennar sönnu rödd.
Leikkonan Jessie Buckley skilar ógleymanlegri og stjörnumlíkri frammistöðu sem hin villta Rose-Lynn, en hún hefur hlotið mikið lof fyrir hlutverkið og ekki minnst fyrir tónlistina sem hún spilar og syngur sjálf. Wild Rose er mannleg saga full af tónlist, gleði, hugrekki, fjölskyldu og að eltast við draumana sína – sama hversu langt í fjarska þeir virðast vera. Þegar upp er staðið, þarftu eingöngu þrjá hljóma og sannleikann.
Frumsýnd 16. ágúst í Bíó Paradís!
Jessie Buckley delivers an unforgettable, star-making performance as Rose-Lynn Harlan, a rebellious country singer who dreams of trading the working-class streets of Glasgow for the Grand Ole Opry of Nashville.
Fresh out of prison, Rose-Lynn juggles her menial job, two children, and committed mother, expertly portrayed by Oscar-nominee Julie Walters, as she pursues her bold ambition of a one-way ticket to musical stardom. With the support of her boss (Sophie Okonedo), Rose-Lynn embarks on a life-changing journey that challenges her sense of self and helps her discover her true voice.
Complete with an electrifying soundtrack performed by Buckley, WILD ROSE is a joyous human story steeped in music, courage, family, and achieving your dreams – no matter how far away they may appear. After all, all you need are three chords and the truth.
Premiers August 16th in Bíó Paradís!
“A star is born? More like a supernova.” –Mark Salisbury, Time Out
“Entirely delightful, fresh as a Scottish summer evening.” -Leslie Felperin, The Hollywood Reporter
“A real foot-stomper, carried by spirited performances from Buckley, Walters and Okonedo.” -Beth Webb, Little White Lies
“From its opening notes, “Wild Rose” puts a lump in your throat as you realize you’re watching a star being born.” -Kimber Myers, The Playlist
“A happy-sad drama of starstruck fever that lifts you up and sweeps you along, touching you down in a puddle of well-earned tears.” -Owen Gleiberman, Variety