

Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Heimildamynd/Documentary
  • Leikstjóri: Una Lorenzen, Heather Millard, Þórður Bragi Jónsson
  • Ár: 2016
  • Lengd: 77 min
  • Land: Ísland
  • Frumsýnd: 9. September 2016
  • Tungumál: Enska, íslenska og sænska með enskum texta

Hið gamalgróna prjón og hekl er orðið partur af vinsælli bylgju í nútíma og götulist. Við fylgjumst með alþjólegu lista og handverksfólki útfæra þetta listform hver á sinn hátt. Þetta litríka og alþjóðlega ferðalag byrjar á Íslandi og varpar meðal annars ljósi á það hvernig garn tengir okkur öll á einn eða annan hátt.

Svokallaðar “knit-along” sýningar verða haldnar um frumsýningarhelgina. Gestir eru hvattir til að mæta með garn til að prjóna eða hekla flík að eigin vali til styrktar Kvennaathvarfsins og Konukots.


Meet the artists who are redefining the tradition of knit and crochet, bringing yarn out of the house and into the world. Reinventing our relationship with this colorful tradition, YARN weaves together wool graffiti artists, circus performers, and structural designers into a visually-striking look at the women who are making a creative stance while building one of modern art’s hottest trends.

Event-based ‘knit-along’ screenings will be held on the opening weekend of YARN from 9-11 September. Guests attending the film are encouraged to bring their needles/hooks and yarn with them and knit/crochet small garments whilst watching the film. We then welcome you to donate these items to the Women’s Shelter and the Shelter for Homeless Women, baskets will be outside the screening room ready for your donations as you leave the film.

New York Times

“You have almost certainly never seen a better documentary on yarn than YARN… thread and string should be jealous”

Elle Magazine

“(YARN) reveals the edgy side of knitting”

Hollywood Reporter

“A fanciful art doc for the craft-y among us”

The Boston Globe

“A new medium for women’s self-expression”

Art New England

“A dazzling hymn to resilience and an intoxicating call to action”

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