Astrakan 79

Portúgal í Paradís kynnir: Astrakan 79!

Við fylgjumst með Martin sem rifjar upp eins og hálfs árs dvöl sína í Sovétríkjunum árið 1979. Martin var aðeins 15 ára en foreldrar hans töldu hann vera fara í samfélag sem uppfyllti allar hugsjónir þeirra. Martin ferðaðist til Moskvu, yfir Volgu delta með lest til Astrakan.

Einn daginn ákveður Martin að segja syni sínum alla söguna.


Martin recalls today, at the age of 58, his one and a half year stay in the Soviet Union in 1979. Martin was 15 years old and an innocent-looking kid. His parents, Communist Party militants, thought he was going to a safe place, a society that lived up to all their ideals. Martin traveled to Moscow, crossed the Volga delta by train to Astrakan.

This was an initiatory journey for Martin. He fell in love several times, dropped out of school, slept in street benches and sold all his records and blue jeans. The com- munist ideal instilled by his parents was lost along the way.

Forty years later, in this film, Martin decides to tell his story to his son for the first time, a story that has been a family taboo until today.

  • Frumsýnd: 04. Júlí 2024
  • Leikstjórn: Catarina Mourão
  • Handrit: Catarina Mourão
  • Aðalhlutverk: Catarina Mourão, Martim Santa Rita, Masari, Mateus M Santa Rita, Lourenço Alarcão
  • Lengd: 63 mín
  • Tungumál: Portúgalska
  • Texti: Enskur
  • Tegund:Documentary
  • Framleiðsluár: 2023
  • Upprunaland: Portúgal

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