A Minha Avó Trelotótó

Eftir andlát ömmu sinnar, vildi heimildagerðarkonan Catarina Ruivo bjarga henni og fyrir mátt kvikmyndagerðarinnar, blása lífi í hennar tilveru á nýjan leik.

Portúgal í Paradís eru reglulegar sýningar á nýjum og nýlegum myndum frá Portúgal.


When my grandmother died I wanted to save her, and filming her seemed to me to be the only solution.

My starting point was the belief that cinema creates an illusion of reality so strong that, by filming the absence of a body and making visible the space it had occupied, I would be able not only to show the sorrow of that absence, but also to create a physical being, to bring a ghost back to life.

Portugal in Paradise is a film program with new and newly portugeese films screened in Bíó Paradís in Iceland.

Mynd þessi er ekki við hæfi yngri en 12 ára

  • Leikstjórn: Catarina Ruivo
  • Handrit: Catarina Ruivo
  • Aðalhlutverk:
  • Lengd: 174 mín
  • Tungumál: Portúgalska
  • Texti: Enskur
  • Tegund:Documentary
  • Framleiðsluár: 2019
  • Upprunaland: Portúgal