Twilight - Partísýning

Hin eina sanna Twilight á partísýningu!

” And so the lion fell in love with the lamb.”

“Could you act human?”

Robert Pattinsson, Kristin Stewart og þú á geggjaðri PARTÍSÝNINGU 14. október kl.21:00! Bíóbarinn er galopinn og drykkir eru leyfðir inn í sal!


Bella Swan moves to Forks and encounters Edward Cullen, a gorgeous boy with a secret.

Twilight is that time of day-meets-night at which young love merges with vampire lore on the pages of a hugely popular fantasy novel. We can´t wait for October 14 at 9PM to watch Twilight together on a Party screening! 

Our bar is wide open and all beverages are allowed inside the screening room!

Mynd þessi er ekki við hæfi yngri en 12 ára

  • Frumsýnd: 13. Október 2023
  • Leikstjórn: Catherine Hardwicke
  • Handrit: Melissa Rosenberg, Stephenie Meyer
  • Aðalhlutverk: Anna Kendrick, Stephenie Meyer, Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson
  • Lengd: 122 mín
  • Tungumál: Enska
  • Texti:
  • Tegund:Fantasy, Drama, Romance
  • Framleiðsluár: 2008
  • Upprunaland: Bandaríkin