Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!

Pedro Almodóvar er mættur og teflir hér fram Victoria Abril og Antonio Banderas – mynd sem þú vilt sjá aftur á hvíta tjaldinu, nú eða sjá í fyrsta sinn!

Sýnd á sönnum Svörtum Sunnudegi, 17. mars kl 21:00!


Recently released from a mental institution, Ricky (Banderas) sets in motion his grand plan. Hunting down the porn star with whom he once had sex, Ricky tries to convince her to be his wife. However, when she’s somewhat reluctant to say the least to take up his offer of marriage, he vows to tie her down to endear himself to her…

Screened on a true BLACK SUNDAY, March 17th at 9Pm.

Mynd þessi er ekki við hæfi yngri en 16 ára

  • Frumsýnd: 17. Mars 2024
  • Leikstjórn: Pedro Almodóvar
  • Handrit: Pedro Almodóvar
  • Aðalhlutverk: Victoria Abril, Antonio Banderas, Loles León
  • Lengd: 111 mín
  • Tungumál: Spænska
  • Texti: Enskur
  • Tegund:Comedy, Crime, Drama, Romance
  • Framleiðsluár: 1990
  • Upprunaland: Spánn