23. apríl verður myndin The Mask eftir Julian Hoffman frá 1961 kl 20:00. Myndin fjallar um fornleifafræðing sem fær endurteknar martraðir tengdar grímu sem finnst í uppgreftri. Áður en hann fremur sjálfsmorð sendir hann grímuna til sálfræðingsins síns sem verður fljótlega dreginn inní martraðarheim grímunnar. Samnefnd gamanmynd með Jim Carrey er lauslega byggð á þessari mjög sérkennilegu hrollvekju.
Áður sýndir titlar í Apríl:
Spider Baby, or The Maddest Story Ever Told eftir Jack Hill (1967)- er sýnd sunnudaginn 9. apríl 20:00
Faster Pussycat, Kill Kill! by Russ Meyer (1965) – sýnd á anna í páskum 17. apríl 20:00
A young archaeologist believes he is cursed by a mask that causes him to have weird nightmares and possibly to murder. Before committing suicide, he mails the mask to his psychiatrist, Dr. Barnes, who is soon plunged into the nightmare world of the mask.
The film is a part of celebration of the book Incredibly Strange Films by V. Vale and Andrea Juno.
The Mask by Julian Hoffman (1961) – screened April 23th at 20:00
Previously screened:
Spider Baby, or The Maddest Story Ever Told by Jack Hill (1967)- screened Sunday April 9th at 20:00
Faster Pussycat, Kill Kill! by Russ Meyer (1965) – screened Easter Monday April 17th at 20:00