Ein umdeildasta mynd ársins í leikstjórn Roman Polanski verður sýnd á Frönsku kvikmyndahátíðinni!
Myndin fjallar um kafteininn Alfred Dreyfus sem er ranglega dæmdur fyrir landráð og er dæmdur í lífstíðarfangelsi á eyjunni Djöflaeyju (Devil´s island).
In 1894, French Captain Alfred Dreyfus is wrongfully convicted of treason and sentenced to life imprisonment at Devil’s island.
Premiered on the Venice International Film Festival 2019, winning the Grand Jury Prize and it was nominated for the best European film, director, actor and screenwriter at the European Film Awards.
“Could the controversial director be drawing personal parallels with this solid account of the Dreyfus affair, about a falsely accused French-Jewish army captain?” ★★★★ –The Guardian