David Tennant (Doctor Who) snýr aftur til West End í spennuþrunginni endurgerð af einu öflugasta, pólitíska leikriti Bretlands.
Þegar heimurinn stendur frammi fyrir seinni heimsstyrjöldinni, lendir John Halder, góður og greindur þýskur prófessor, inn í miðja hringiðu í pólitískri hreyfingu með óhugsandi afleiðingum.
Olivier-verðlaunahafinn Dominic Cooke (Follies) leikstýrir sögu C.P.Taylor, með leikarahópi sem einnig skartar Elliot Levey (Coriolanus) og Sharon Small (The Bay). Tekið upp í beinni útsendingu í Harold Pinter leikhúsinu í London.
3. október 2023
7. október 2023
David Tennant (Doctor Who) makes a much-anticipated return to the West End in a blistering reimagining of one of Britain’s most powerful, political plays.
As the world faces its Second World War, John Halder, a good, intelligent German professor, finds himself pulled into a movement with unthinkable consequences.
Olivier Award-winner Dominic Cooke (Follies) directs C.P. Taylor’s timely tale, with a cast that also features Elliot Levey (Coriolanus) and Sharon Small (The Bay). Filmed live at the Harold Pinter Theatre in London.
October 3rd 2023
October 7th 2023