Private: Danska nýbylgjan

Neon Heart + Q&A


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Drama
  • Leikstjóri: Laurits Flensted-Jensen
  • Handritshöfundur: Laurits Flensted-Jensen
  • Ár: 2018
  • Lengd: 89 mín
  • Land: Danmörk
  • Frumsýnd: 27. Október 2018
  • Tungumál: Danish & English with English subtitles
  • Aðalhlutverk: Cristian Andersen Busk, Niklas Herskind, Kevin Lakomy, Mikkel Haagerup Lund, Noah Skovgaard Skands, Victoria Carmen Sonne

Bíó Paradís, ásamt Stofnun Vigdísar Finnbogadóttur, Norræna Húsinu og danska menningarmálaráðuneytinu efnir til málþings og kvikmyndasýninga dagana 25. – 27. október nk.

Bíó Paradís sýnir valdar myndir í tengslum við málþing DÖNSKU NÝBYLGJUNNAR, kvikmyndin Neon Heart, með spurt og svarað með Laurits Flensted, leikstjóra og Julie Walenciak, framleiðanda myndarinnar á laugardeginum 27. október kl 18:00.    


NEON HEART is a story about three people chasing life and each other.

Laura returns home to Denmark after a short-lived porn career in the US. Despite the videos of her that remain online, she tries to put the pieces of a normal existence back together.

Niklas, Laura’s ex, is a recovering addict who finds meaning in his new job taking care of two men with Down’s syndrome. As he develops newfound empathy for the pair, he begins to bend the rigid rules of his role leading him down a slippery slope.

Frederik, Niklas’ teenage brother, is out to gain respect as a hooligan, peer pressured into difficult situations and forced to negotiate the demands of masculine bravado.

In glimpses and fragments of past and present, we follow Laura, Niklas and Frederik on a journey full of taboos and desires, in which connections are both made and torn apart.