Stórskemmtileg gamanmynd þar sem við fylgjumst þar sem djöflar sækja að klaustri og reyna freista munks með öllum mögulegum brögðum.
Myndin er sýnd laugardagskvöldið 16. september kl 18:00 með enskum texta. Frítt inn og allir velkomnir!
A new brother settles in the friary. But dark forces follow him into the monastery and from time to time they materialize as Legion. Legion has chosen Ivan as the object of his devilish work, tempting him in every possible way in an attempt to make him abandon the chosen path of God.
The Monk and the Demon will be screened Saturday 16th of September at 18:00. The film is in Russian with English subtitles. Free entrance and everyone is welcome.