Private: Rússneskir kvikmyndadagar / Russian Film Days 2017

After you are gone (Posle tebya)


Engar sýningar

  • Tegund: Drama
  • Leikstjóri: Anna Matison
  • Ár: 2016
  • Lengd: 119 mín
  • Land: Rússland
  • Frumsýnd: 15. September 2017
  • Tungumál: Rússneska með enskum texta
  • Aðalhlutverk: Tamara Akulova, Karina Andolenko, Elena Babenko

Hinn heimsþekkti ballett dansari Aleksey Temnikov varð fyrir bakmeiðslum snemma á ferlinum og tuttugu árum síðar kemst hann að því að hann muni brátt missa burði til þess að ganga. Heimspekilegar spurningar sækja að honum þar sem hann skapar loka ballettverk sitt …

Myndin er sýnd föstudaginn 15. september kl 18:00 með enskum texta í Bíó Paradís, frítt inn og allir velkomnir.


Aleksey Temnikov is a renowned ballet dancer, and an acknowledged genius whose career was cut abruptly short after sustaining an injury back in the ’90s. Twenty years later, Aleksey discovers that his condition is degenerative, and that he will soon lose the ability to walk. For him, this means only one thing – death. Before this happens, Aleksey sets out to choreograph a ballet. “What will I leave behind after I am gone?” is a question Aleksey feels he must contend with.

The film is screened September 15th at 18:00 with English subtitles. Free entrance and everyone is welcome!